Wednesday, 16 July 2014

hack WIFI Password using Kali Linux

Breaking WPA2-PSK with Kali Linux 

             WPA2-PSK may not be as safe as you think. There are a few attacks against WAP2-PSK. One of the most common attacks is against WPA2 is exploiting a weak passphrase.

            Below you will find a few easy steps on how to break WPA2 with a weak passphrase.

Breaking the wireless Lab Home Network:

  • I set up a test network for this blog article. The client box is logging into my wireless Lab test network. This is the network we will break.

Step 1:

  • The first step is to verify the router configuration. Normally in a real penetration test we would not have this option, but since this is a home lab I have a little more flexibility.
  • In this case the lab access point is securing the wireless network Wireless Lab with WPA2-PSK. It using the passphrase Cisco123. You can use any wireless router to setup your wireless lab.
 Step 2:

  • We will be using Kali Linux to complete this task. Kali will need a wireless card configured before it can be used by the operating system. I am using the Alfa AWUS051NH adapter. Almost any Alfa wireless adapter will work. I am a big fan of the AWUS051NH adapter because it a duel band adapter. However, this card is very difficult to obtain since it is no longer sold.

  • The iwconfig command will show any wireless cards in the system. I am using a RealTek wireless card. Linux ships with the RealTek drivers, making it a Linux plug and play wireless card.
  • The operating system recognizes a  wireless interface named wlan0.

Step 3:

  • My next step will be to enable the wireless interface. This is accomplished issuing the ifconfig wlan0 up command.

Step 4:

  • I need to understand what wireless networks my wireless card sees. I issue the iwlist wlan0 scanning command.

  • This command forces the wireless card to scan and report on all wireless networks in the vicinity.
  • You can see from this example it found my target network: Wireless Lab. It also found the MAC address of my access point: 0E:18:1A:36:D6:22. This is important to note because I want to limit my attack to this specific access point (to ensure we are not attacking or breaking anyone else’s password).Secondly, we see the AP is transmitting on channel 36.This is important because it allows us to be specific on what wireless channel we will want our wireless card to monitor and capture traffic from.

Step 5:

  • The next step is to change the wireless card to monitoring mode. This will allow the wireless card to examine all the packets in the air.
  • We do this by creating a monitor interface using airmon-ng. Issue the airmon-ng command to verify airmon-ng sees your wireless card. From that point create the monitor interface by issuing the command: airmon-ng start wlan0

  • Next, run the ifconfig command to verify the monitor interface is created. We can see mon0 is created.

  • Now verify the interface mon0 has been created.

Step 6:

  • Use airodump-ng to capture the WPA2 handshake. The attacker will have to catch someone in the act of authenticating to get a valid capture. Airodump-ng will display a valid handshake when it captures it. It will display the handshake confirmation in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Note: We will manually connect to the wireless network to force a handshake. In a future post I will show you how to force a reauthorization to make a device automatically disconnect and reconnect without any manual intervention.

  • We used the following command: airodump-ng mon0 – -bssid 20:aa:4b:1f:b0:10 (to capture packets from our AP) – -channel 6 (to limit channel hopping) – -write BreakingWPA2 (the name of the file we will save to)'

airodump-ng mon0 – -bssid 0E:18:1A:36:D6:22 - -channel 36 – -write BreakingWPA2

(make sure there is no space between “- -”)

  • To capture the handshake you are dependent on monitoring a legitimate client authenticate to the network. However, it does not mean you have to wait for a client to legitimately authenticate. You can force a client to re-authenticate (which will happen automatically with most clients when you force a deauthorization).
  • When you see the WPA Handshake Command you know you have captured an valid handshake


Step 7:
  • We will use aircrack-ng with the dictionary file to crack the password. Your chances of breaking the password are dependent on the password file.

  • The command on  is: aircrack-ng “name of cap file you created” -w “name of your dictionary file”

  • The BreakingWPA2-01.cap file was created when we ran the airodump-ng command. The valid WPA2 handshake airodump captured is stored in the BreakingWPA2-01.cap file.
  • Backtrack 5 ships with a basic dictionary. The dictionary file darkc0de.lst is a popular worldlist that ships with BackTrack5. We added our password Cisco123 in this file to make the test run a little smoother
  • Many attackers use large dictionaries that increase their chances of cracking a passwords. Many dictionaries contain passwords from real users and websites that have been cracked and posted on the Internet. Some sophisticated dictionaries combine multiple languages, permutations of each word, and key words and phrases from social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

In this blog we created a file named “sample.lst” and added the word Cisco123 in it.

  • If the password is found in the dictionary file then Aircrack-ng will crack it.

Thank You..!!!

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Drop Box

The Drop Box 

  • This tutorial will guide you through the install process of Drop Box, and will then take you through the steps of setting it up, running it, and show you how to use the shared folder feature. 

  • The first thing you need to do is go to and the next screen you see will have a signup form for you to fill out to get started on your journey into the wonderful world of “The Cloud.”

Remember to use your preferred email address for signing up with Dropbox.

  • Once you click the Signup button the next screen you see will look like this (if your using Firefox). 

  • If your using Internet Explorer, you will be able to select “Run” instead of “Save File” and run it right away, once it is done downloading.

  • Once you have downloaded the Dropbox installer, locate your download if you clicked the save option and double click it to run it, or if you clicked run then it will start automatically

  • If a window pops up asking if you want Dropbox to make changes to your computer, click yes and then on the following window, click install. 
  • Dropbox will now begin installing itself, and once it is done you will be presented with a screen that looks like this. 

The next step is to now sign in with the credentials you used to sign up.

  • In the following window, enter your email and password and then click the next button.

  • Once this is done, you MIGHT be presented with the following picture, but this is depending on your firewall access or how you prefer notifications. Should this next picture pop up for you, just click allow access.

  • The next screen in which you will see is the “select your plan” screen. It is common to go for the 2GB plan (free). However, depending on your use of Dropbox, you can purchase a paid plan which includes a very nice low cost for more “cloud storage

  • After you have chosen your plan, we will move on to the setup screen.

  • For now let’s choose typical setup. Click the install button located in the bottom right corner of that setup screen, and Dropbox will finish doing it’s thing and will now present you with a tutorial window.
    It is completely up to you to read this or to skip it. What you decide to do is on you. We, however, encourage you to read it for a better, although brief, grasp on what’s to come.
So I have Dropbox ready to go, now what?

  • Now that you have Dropbox installed, let’s start using it.

  • First you will notice that you have a new icon in the lower right corner of your computer screen (the task bar). This is the Dropbox icon. From this icon you can open your Dropbox folder, pause syncing, resume syncing, launch the website, and even get more space!

  • In order to use this icon, right click and select what you want to do. If you just want to open the Dropbox folder then it is as easy as double clicking this icon with the left mouse button.

  • So let’s begin by double clicking this icon so we can open our Dropbox folder. Now my Dropbox folders content will look different than yours, because what you decide to put in it is all on you. So now we have our Dropbox folder opened and it looks similar to this picture.

  • What you put into this folder right here will be uploaded to the cloud for your backup/retrieval later. Keep in mind though; you can still edit the files in this folder. So if you had an important business letter you were writing you could open it up through Dropbox, if it was already saved in there, and edit the paper then Dropbox will automatically sync it with their servers.

  • Your probably wondering how you can tell if Dropbox is syncing your files or not. That’s as easy as remembering where the icon is located. If you look at your Dropbox icon in the lower right hand of your screen and see what looks like two arrows curved chasing each other, then its syncing.

  • If you see a green circle with a check mark in it, then that means it is done syncing.

What if I want to share a folder?

  • You want to share a folder? That’s simple.
    To share a folder, open up your Dropbox folder, select the folder in the Dropbox folder you want to share, right click it, have your pointer hover over Dropbox and then select “Share this folder” as seen in the picture below.

  • Once you click Share this folder, it will bring you to their website where you type in the recipients email address (as seen in the picture below), and begin sharing certain folders with them.

  • Now that we have sharing folders understood, we will give you a quick run through of what to do should a file you need gets deleted from Dropbox (very common, as it has happened to me many of times).

  • The first thing you would like to do is go to , login with your credentials, and you will be presented with a screen that is identical with the content as your Dropbox folder. Now you see how the cloud works?
    If you click the “Show Deleted Files” button, it will display in grey the files that have been deleted.

  • Notice how on mine I do not have deleted stuff now, but in the next picture I will have grey items (deleted ones I can recover). For now, also take note on the download folder option. This comes in handy if you need a file somewhere that doesn’t have Dropbox.

  • Once you click “Show Deleted Files” you will get grey items in your list. Click the item you want to restore, then click the drop down arrow to bring up a list of options.

  • Clicking undelete will restore the selected item to your Dropbox folder, Permanently delete will make sure you never restore the file again, and previous version will roll back the selected file to a version of it from a previous date.

Thank You..!!

Monday, 14 July 2014

Facebook Auditing

Facebook Auditing

  • Secure Surfing on Social Networking  Site
  • Hide Your Identity in FB.
  • Online Banking Security.
  • Twitter Security

Setup secure and private Face book browsing...

  • Securing your Face book account

  • Edit 'Secure Browsing' and enable it..

Edit 'Login Notifications' and check either email or   text messages, or both

Click edit on 'Active Sessions' and delete any old login sessions

Click on the 'Facebook Ads' tab in Settings. Click on both 'Edit third party ad settings

Click on the 'Facebook Ads' tab in  ‘Setting’ and 'Edit social ad settings' and make sure set to share to 'no one'.

Click on the 'Facebook Ads' tab in  ‘Setting’ and 'Edit social ad settings' and make sure set to share to 'no one'.

Change Your Facebook Profile Password.

click on 'General' and then 'Password' and change your password.

Change Your Facebook Profile Password.